Sunday, September 9, 2012

Prints from the dawn of the time


Traces of perhaps the most ancient presence of intelligent beings on our planet, discovered in June 1968 in the U.S. state of Utah, remains irresistible challenge for all conventional hypotheses explaining the origin and evolution of life.
On June 1, 1968 American William Meystar, bandleader draftsmen in "Hercules" and amateur archaeologist made with his wife, two daughters and four-family friendly expedition near Antelope Springs, about 80 kilometers northwest of Delta City, Utah. On the third day his wife and a daughter of Meystar find trilobite fossils - ancient mollusks precursors of modern crabs and shrimp, and the first inhabitants of the ocean. Trilobites appear in the Cambrian period of the Paleozoic era, between 590 and 505 million years back in time and disappear when major natural cataclysm 280 million years ago.
Meystar breaks a piece of thick hammer five centimeters of rock with fossilized remains and it splits like the open page of a book. With amazement he found on one side of the fragment of the human foot print with trilobite crushed underneath. The other side matched to the strange contours. Contrary to common sense, it appears that the trail is left by sandal wearing right leg. The heel of the shoe was three millimeters above the outsole and looked worn. The size of the footprint - 26.6 cm long and 8.8 cm wide, approximately corresponds to the left of the modern representatives of Homo Sapiens.
Evidence of anomalous finding was formulated as absurd for paleoanthropologists and Paleobiologists hypothesis that socks and sandals bipedal human being is walking in Antelope Spring 300 million years before the appearance of the first dinosaurs on Earth. Reptilian Age ended about 65 million years back in time, and the first upright human ancestor Homo erectus out in history only one million years ago. The earliest remains of modern Homo sapiens are dated 40-25 thousand years ago and civilized societies whose members were away from habits barefoot natives only came to the VII th century AD.
Discoverer of dating back at least 500 million years passed humanoid fossil traces of Melvin Cook, professor of metallurgy at the University of Utah, who advised him to consult a professional geologists. None of them are understandably not responded to the challenge, the context of which would cause endless rewriting of textbooks and research papers. Meystar then turned to the local newspaper "The Deseret News" and not long after the discovery became known nationally and internationally.
On 20 July 1968 the area of ​​Antelope Spring again visited for research purposes by Dr. Clifford Burdick, a geologist from Tucson, Arizona. A little later, he ran another 15.2 cm footprint baby leg in the form of depression in the shale layer. According to Burdick fossil was sealed pressure on the body then the muddy layer. A month later, Dean Bitter pedagogue of the public school system in Salt Lake City reported that he had found two human imprint of his feet shod in sandals at Antelope Springs. Professor Cook found that approximately finds almost no evidence of broken trilobites, but the presence of a small trilobite fossils near one of the prints in the same layer of evidence that sea creature and being shod in sandals, walking 500 million years ago, then on the inhospitable Earth existed at the same time.
The mystery that we are faced with confirmation of the existence of many ancient civilizations of the world, or should we assume that the Earth is ever haunt of visitors from other worlds, is at the mercy of the weather and the willingness of mankind to accept the most extraordinary truths about their origins .

Prints from the dawn of time

Prints from the dawn of time


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