Sunday, September 9, 2012

Tyrannosaurus rex


Tyrannosaurus rex were large, carnivorous dinosaur that lived during the late Cretaceous period, from 85 million years ago to 65 million years ago. They lived in humid tropical forests, near rivers and coastal forest swamps. The climate was mild.
Of all the dinosaurs Tyrannosaurus rex to know most.
ANATOMYTyrannosaurus rex were ferocious predators that walked on two legs. These carnivores have powerful bodies, large heads with large, sharp teeth and well-developed motor muscles. They had tiny forelimbs, each with two fingers. Their hind legs, each with three fingers with claws resemble the legs of a bird. T. rex had a hard and pointed tail that provided them with balance and allow them to quickly maneuver while running. Their necks were short and muscular. Their bodies were solid device, but their bones were hollow. Their skulls were with holes that reduce the severity of head and thus they were able to hold her upright.
SIZETyrannosaurus rex was about 13 meters long and reaches up to 6 feet. Their limbs were long only about one meter and not well developed. Weight - 5 to 7 tons.
The skulls measure up to 1.5 meters long and eyeballs - diameter over 7.5 cmFootprint of tyrannosaurs gotten up to 46 cm (although his feet were much longer - about one meter, they are based only on my toes). Have been away longer than 3.5 to more than 4.5 meters. They could run at 24 km / h.
Teeth and jawsThe jaws of tyrannosaurs were 1.2 meters long by 50 to 60 densely stacked, sharp teeth of different sizes - from very small to 23 cm long, as if someone broke a tooth in its place another grow less. Tyrannosaurus was discovered in length of some 33 cm Tyrannosaurus teeth were able to eat 230 kilograms of meat and bones of a bite.
SKINWere also found fossilized fragments of rough scaly skin tyrannosaurs, resembling the skin of an alligator.
HabitatsTyrannosaurus rex probably lived in forests where their prey (herbivorous dinosaur) had plenty of food. Fossils of T. rex are found in North America and Mongolia.
SENSESVision: Tyrannosaurus rex had a relatively large share of viewing in the brain, we treat the visual information. Their well-developed visual sense was determined by the fact that their eyes were positioned so that they see mostly forward and sideways, not just one side. The so-called stereoscopic vision was important advantage - helping to hunt predators, giving them an idea about the distance to their prey. The eyes of their victims (such herbivorous dinosaurs) were located on the side of the head, giving them a broad overview, which in turn allowed them to see their attackers when approaching them from both sides.
Smell: The brain of tyrannosaurs existed a large area of ​​perception of odors.
TAILTyrannosaurus rex had a thick and heavy tapering tail. She served as a counterweight to the huge head for faster maneuver.







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